Lighting shifts after saving/generating HQ HDRI in HDR Editor

Started by DriesV, April 12, 2013, 11:16:13 AM

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I notice that the lighting, that I set up in the HDR Editor using pin lights, shifts after saving or generating a HQ preview HDRI. Somebow the environment gets transformed, as highlights and reflection patterns that were on the model while working in the HDR Editor are shifted/gone after saving. All pins are still in the same position when I edit the HDRI again, but I have to move the pins around to get the same reflection patterns. Saving, again shifts the lighting...

It is quite frustrating to see your lighting get out of whack, when you spent 15/30 minutes meticulously placing pins and tweaking their parameters.

I'm on KS 4.0.74.



We will look into this. In the future, please report these issues to Thanks.


I also have the same issue. Same build too... 4.0.74.

Any updates?