Keyshot 4 - Scene Menu's Materials Tab?

Started by multitech, February 26, 2013, 07:57:35 AM

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I just noticed the Scene Menu's Materials Tab was removed in Keyshot 4?  In Keyshot 3, I liked that I could drag and drop existing materials from the lower part of the menu to specific parts in the scene tree.  Or maybe It's been moved and I don't see it.   ;D


:) there was  post yesterday about that from  'janm'
its already a few of us mentioning perhaps we re going to get that back :)



It needs to come back that is for sure, scaling once and getting bumps and scratches to look good is enough, if the same material is being used throughout the scene on different parts it will soon become very tedious having to tweak the same material over and over again


Chad Holton

Quote from: TpwUK on February 26, 2013, 05:09:40 PM
It needs to come back that is for sure, scaling once and getting bumps and scratches to look good is enough, if the same material is being used throughout the scene on different parts it will soon become very tedious having to tweak the same material over and over again


Hi Martin,

In the meantime, you can still copy from the user material library (and from other areas) and paste materials onto the scene tree. Not as handy as DND in some cases but at least you won't have to recreate your materials over and over. :D


I think there are a number of good reasons to add the Material Tab back under the project window "Scene".   

I really liked the ability to place a few materials on to specific parts, tweak them, then simply drag those established materials on to part into the model tree list.   

Of course you can drag the material straight onto the actual model but often I have components within covers which I have to turn off the cover layers to visually be able to drop material shaders onto the internal part.

