data structure broken

Started by mikedee, June 24, 2013, 09:54:24 AM

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Hi all,

strange thing there: almost randomly the Alias groups got ignored when imported in Keyshot. They come as they should in most cases, but sometimes the group loses its node and comes as set of individual surfaces or sub-nodes.
Anyone already run into this?

I can't reproduce it, but I can certainly share the file.

iMac, 32GB RAM, OSX 10.8.4, Alias Design 2013, Keyshot 4.

thanks anyone for any suggestion

Oliver Henderson

Funny, I seem to be having the opposite problem, I updated to 4.2 and keyshot no longer recognizes individual surfaces, Something that I really liked, instead it grouped them into one object based on layers, but only when importing with the "shader" option selected, otherwise is grouped them by material assigned in Alias.

Alias Design 2013, keyshot 4.2


I don't think that this behavior has changed. KeyShot always merges surfaces on a layer if they have the same name/material.

Can you provide an example?