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wish list for future releases

Started by evilmaul, June 26, 2013, 09:27:26 PM

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Claus Jensen

It has been there since opacity maps was introduced.


oeps ...  :-[

mental note: must read manual on each new version

... check !

I had no idea !

Claus Jensen

No problem - now you learned something new today  ;)


Yes !  FINALY ! :p  It's 15:21h here ... I'm early on the learning today  :D


You can go home now. Your day is complete ;-)


Actually ... NOW it is  ;)

First must go get the boys tho  8)


QuoteObviously this request is only a 1% compared to my request to get off of f*#-! Windows XP with its memory limit  >:( >:( >:(
How long still must I ask IT here for that ... pffffffffffffffrt !

When I was on XP, renders (if I could even open them) would take 4-12 hours each, and SolidWorks ran like molasses.  Switched to Win7x64, kicked it to 16 GB of RAM and went to dual quad-cores, for 8 cpu's.  A 4 hour render now runs about 6 minutes.  And SW is a blazing rocket!

IT has to understand that your time is money- a new box and/or OS would likely recoup in weeks.  That's an ROI that works!

Bill G


I am under the impression that IT doesn't care at all about my productivity ..

Also, they did some tests with updated OS and Inventor and noticed that it doesn't help much and found out for Inventor it gains more from different approach to using the parametric drawings.

So they don't even botter testing if it does change much for my case.

Also they always bla bla a lot 'bout things I don't understand and in the end I don't understand why I can't just simply get Win7 on the render PC.


Quote from: DriesV on June 28, 2013, 12:42:31 PM
those IT rednecks...

Hey - I resemble those remarks.  And it's "redneck geek" to you, buddy!  ;D

I'm amazed how far behind your IT is PhilippeV8.  We may have went to Win7 2 years ago, bought our 20 artists HP Z800s with dual 6 cores (needed an excuse to get one for myself), and now we are working on a dedicated render farm - but we still like to talk about things no one understands.  (Not even myself most of the time)


I should stay home from work on monday ... then when they call, I'll say I'm not going untill they put W7 on the render pc.   ;D


I would love you guys to stay within the topic of the thread please.

Keep on adding what you wish to see in the next KS releases. Perhaps we could do a poll (other softwares have that as well and ppl vote for specific features they would like to see implementes and those which get more votes move forwards on top of the wish list)
For me , of those features that I listed, I would give priority to have geometry rendered as Subd (have just an attrib turned on by the user per geo or hierarchy of objs) and support for displacement maps.



I've posted about this before, but will bring it up again. I can't stand how you can't select a part unless you're in the Scene Tree tab.
And why is Unlink materials in the right click context menu but Link isn't?

I also think that the primitives should be in the menu instead of having to go to Import, navigate to the KeyShot models folder and then select your primitive of choice.

Lastly, the resolution limit on the standard edition. I think for a thousand dollar rendering software, I should be able to render an 8 1/2 x 11 image at print resolution.


You can select parts in the realtime window, and using shift + left mouse button drag you can multi select. The parts won't highlight, only if you are in the scene tree.

Unlink works on a single part or multiple parts. Link requires additional UI. You link by copying and pasting a material from on part to the other or multiple.

Import - I guess we can add that, just like you can add a ground plane from the menu.

As far as resolution goes, I assume you mean 300dpi by print resolution. Correct, you will only get about 1/2 a page with the standard version.


How about that "Frontplate with transparency from the alpha chanel tiff" type of wishlist-entry ? :)
For parts of the backplate that need to overlapse the rendered scene or objects.


1. Bokeh DOF - Maybe using the gpu to save processor power, like you did for bloom and vignetting?

2. Lens Aberration

3. Different camera lenses, Ex. Fish eye

4. (Easy one) - Dark gray interface, in some scenes the interface is so distracting and luminous, that is hard to focus on the scene.

5. Bokeh DOF :P