Material templates - having trouble

Started by jhiker, July 01, 2013, 01:54:00 AM

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I have the latest version of Keyshot
Having all sorts of difficulties with material templates at the moment.
The manual says to create a new material template 'click on the button at the top of the material template menu' - there isn't one, as far as I can see.
There's a '+' button at the bottom of the dialogue. Clicking this gives me the option to create a new template 'automatic' or 'manual'.
Automatic should populate the RHS window with the source parts and materials - except it doesn't.
No matter what I do I cannot get the window to populate automatically.
How is it supposed to work?

Claus Jensen

You first import your model, then you apply all the materials you want from the library and then you can choose to create a material template using the automatic mode.
If you don't apply any materials to your model before choosing Automatic, then your material template will be empty.


I think you can see from screenshot #02 that I do have materials applied to the highlighted parts in the 'Project' window.


What if you import a 3D, add some textures.  Save & close the file.  Next day, open it, add some more textures.  Then create a template.
Next day, you import an updated 3D, activate the template and put textures on the new added geometry.  Then create a new template.  Does all of that work, and is this the correct workflow ?

Bruno F

Hello Jhiker.  Claus is correct.  Normally, you import your model, apply materials from the KeyShot library, and then create your material template using the "Add template" button.  When you click the "Add template" button, a drop-down menu will let you choose if you want to create your template manually or auto-populate it  (See attached image).  You can then choose the source type:  material or part.  If the issue continues please contact and send us your .bip file.


So the exact material must be in the material library ... ?  So if I put a material on a part, and finetune the X/Y location (e.g. a brick wall), after I'm done, I must put that material back in the library ?

I tried using the material templates a while ago and it never worked 100% for me.