BIP import/update geometry problems.

Started by jc1, November 18, 2014, 05:14:47 AM

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I'm having problems trying to update geometry. Some import problems too. Using latest KeyShot 5.1.57 for CAD (bpi files exported from Geomagic Design), Windows 7, 64-bit.

First problem is when opening a bip file, I get these errors/warnings in the log:

on open:
(14:58:17) QCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver
(14:58:17) QCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver
(14:58:17) QCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver
(14:58:38) Invalid id -1 specified for instance

Second problem is on import, so I can select the "up direction" (Z should be up, so the model opens on it side when opened with Y-up). But selecting the up direction is having no effect. I presume because of some error in the import. I get this in the log for import:

On import:
(14:58:17) QCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver
(14:58:17) QCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver
(14:58:17) QCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver
(14:58:38) Invalid id -1 specified for instance
(15:01:11) Invalid id -1 specified for instance

Third problem is when trying to import and update geometry. If I try this, KeyShot crashes. To try and workaround this, I first open the bip file then manually reorient the objects to match that of the scene I am working on. In KeyShot 4, this let me import the file and update the geometry. In KeyShot 5, this stops it crashing (initially), but it sticks on 50% during import. Cancelling the import then causes it to crash.

Any thoughts? It would be good to be able to import geometry in the correct orientation (up direction), but this can be worked around. More importantly, I am unable to update geometry which is required now I've spent quite a lot of time building the scene/materials.


It would be great if you could contact so we can look into the issues you are reporting.
