Labels - Cylindrical Mapping Not Working?

Started by hahaderekface, November 19, 2013, 01:27:25 PM

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Chad Holton

Quote from: hahaderekface on November 20, 2013, 02:34:58 PM
In the project I'm currently working on, one of the parts is the label (it's die cut, rolled, and keyed into position with a tab).  I'd like that to be fairly accurate, since it has transparency that reveals both an LED and a user-control scale (screw driven part) behind it.

And we're talking about renderings here - there's no reason they shouldn't be "perfect".

My primary issue is with the scaling.  It sounds like I cannot be sure the proportions will be imported correctly, and that I may have to go through a lengthy trial-and-error process, when I know with 100% certainty that the graphics file is pixel perfect.

In SolidWorks you can fit the label (or "decal" as they call it) to the surface you select (with a fixed aspect ratio, vertically, horizontally, or both).  If that feature were in Keyshot it would solve 90% of my problem with labels.  From there I could make minor tweaks when needed.

Let me also say this - Keyshot is freaking awesome.  While the labeling problem is an annoyance there are many, many things about Keyshot and the quality of the output that I'd readily recommend (especially over PhotoVew 360) to just about anyone.  Still, being good doesn't mean they can't be better.  That's the nature of life, and certainly business. 

Without some sort of measuring feature, I'm not sure how you can place a label with extreme preciseness. Maybe some sort of built in guides on your label? If that doesn't work, maybe a 3rd party UV mapping software.


A trick I use in SolidWorks is to create a "Split Line" on the surface of the exact size of the label, and map that surface in any given color to instruct KeyShot later.  That is, a "box", that will then give me the exact location of the decal.  You can do this with the SolidWorks decal in place.  Then in KeyShot I first apply the material of the overall part and place the decal.  Then I apply the same material to the main body, but don't copy/paste or link it!  Pull both (identical) materials from the library.

A simple but effective work-around.

Bill G

Chad Holton

Great tip, Bill!

Thanks for sending me your files, BTW. I'll let you know what I find out.