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More VR Module options

Started by cadjockey, February 05, 2014, 02:13:34 AM

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I'd like the VR module to be optionally have views that the user can click to zoom directly to a feature of interest, rather than just rotating manually. Also, the current zoom method is not that great.

I envisage a bunch of thumbnails down the side of the screen, which could zoom and rotate to the desired feature.
Whilst browsing I came across this site which does something similar and works really well to highlight important parts




Interesting. Should almost be possible today with the content KeyShotVR puts out.


Hopefully it's an easy add in then ;)

Also hoping that you can dynamically downscale the images so we can render at say twice the resolution so it's still nice when zoomed. Ie make default window zoomed to 0.5 or so
(display window size and zoom independent)



Oh man I second all of the above!!
That would be sooo great to have added.
Awesome suggestions cadjockey!


Greater zoom functionality would be really be nice for feature inspection.  BTW, we're finally ordering this module this week, and I've got a dozen models I'm hoping to add to our website to help blow out our portfolio!


When this is done please let us know. Would love to blog about this!


When this is done please let us know. Would love to blog about this!