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Started by Esben Oxholm, September 23, 2014, 09:48:34 AM

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Esben Oxholm

Hi Guys.
I came across this cool free model of the DeLorian:
Thought it would be fun to give it a spin:

Hope you like it.

Best regards.


Simple. Elegant. Love it man.


Nice find. Nice render.
Thanks for sharing.


i love this car, Mc fly.


Agree, nice render Esben...




Lovely render (colours/tones are great). Something always looks 'not right' to me with car profile shots when it is facing east/right. I got this model last year from Daz and keep meaning to retrofit the time machine parts to it.

nice work

Esben Oxholm

Thanks for all your kind words... much appreciated.

Quote from: edwardo on September 24, 2014, 06:23:35 AM
Something always looks 'not right' to me with car profile shots when it is facing east/right

Lol, that's wierd. You know why? :)


I have no idea why (more than often there is no logic to my thinking), do you?

Esben Oxholm

No :)
I quick google image search on "car profile" shows that 35 of the first 50 cars is pointing left. Not that it shows much statistically. Someone up for counting the first 1000?
Maybe it's more used to have the car pointing left and therefore makes it look most familiar... but I dunno. Just an idea.


before computers when we used to have to do marker and pen renderings, we were always told to stick the sun up top left (so shadows came out on the right. I bet its just something to do with the way our brains have been trained.