Parts of geometry are broken in keyshot import

Started by Chris708, October 04, 2010, 02:05:07 PM

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I am not certain whats going wrong, I am exporting from 3DS max as a .obj file and import it into keyshot, and the area highlighted below has distorted geometry. The geometry that is in question in this instance was the result of a pro boolean, which I have used countless times before and not had a problem rendering in keyshot.


I would think that this is in your OBJ file. Can you isolate the problem?


Quote from: Thomas Teger on October 04, 2010, 02:20:15 PM
I would think that this is in your OBJ file. Can you isolate the problem?

Not sure what you mean. Do you mean open max, get my model, export as .obj, and import the .obj back into max to see if there are any problems? If so importing the .obj back into max did NOT have any broken geometry.


What I mean is can you reproduce this in a smaller example. Are you using smoothing groups by any chance?


Quote from: Thomas Teger on October 05, 2010, 07:49:09 AM
What I mean is can you reproduce this in a smaller example. Are you using smoothing groups by any chance?

I did another proboolean test object (shown below) and it works correctly. Yes I am using smoothing groups.


You may want to PM jbeau to see whether he has any suggestions. He is a 3DS Max expert.


Hi Chris,
Make sure all geometry is cut into quads or triangles. You have some ngons(5sided or more polygons) that the OBJ is trying to cut up itself upon export.


Ahhhh, jbeau, thank you for coming to the rescue!


If that doesn't work you can always detach the faces on the same axis and then attach without welding. I use this trick all the time for parts that aren't subdivided, so they smooth properly.