Camera projection?

Started by carterhickmandesigns, December 14, 2014, 07:30:18 PM

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Does Keyshot have camera projection of texture?  I often use a plane with a hole in it and a rim in the hole.  The plane has a camera projection onto it of the same image as the backplate.  That way I can move the rim into perspective without seeing anything but the rim and not the backside of the rim?  make sense?


Chad Holton

If I understand you correctly, this isn't an option. However, try using a regular plane (can be imported by choosing Edit>Add Geometry>Plane) and changing the material type to "Ground" - you can then move the plane around to fit your rim. Be sure to check on "Clip geometry below ground" (and maybe the shadow to white). This way the rim will be clipped where the plane is positioned but the backplate will still show through. Hope that makes sense.

Attached is a quick example using the KeyShot 5 material ball (the plane, using the ground material, is hiding the back side of the ball).



Brilliant and yes that is exactly what I was trying to explain.



It works like a champ!  I made a disc with a hole in as the ground plane.  So when positioning wheels I do not get the back of the rim but only the back inside the hoop!!!!