Buick after the rain

Started by feher, June 24, 2018, 05:40:07 PM

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Finally had some time to create something for myself.
Wanted to play with water drops ...lol
Also wanted to capture everything in one render.
Render Solution - Keyshot 7
Post Work - Photoshop
Enjoy Tim


Great work! Can you elaborate on how you achieved the rain droplets across the vehicle?




absolutely outstanding job..


Quote from: cjwidd on June 24, 2018, 06:05:54 PM
Great work! Can you elaborate on how you achieved the rain droplets across the vehicle?

If I had to make a guess, I'd say normal maps in the bump channels of the materials that have drops on them (as modeling all of those drops might drive one over the edge). If not, that's a way to do it.



Thanks everyone for the kind words and support.
The droplets were achieved by the following.
I grab the droplet texture from : https://www.poliigon.com/
When I created the droplets I used a box map on the bump channel. I used the utility add bump so I can have multiple bumps on that channel.
Then I duplicated the material and applied to the original material removing the droplet bump. Now my material is smooth again but I do have those droplets under the material. So how do I get them to show in only the places I want ? Good question. What I did was make a opacity map. Started it out as all black then sprayed white on the areas I wanted the droplets to show. On the opacity map channel I used camera for the UV coordinates. (I should add I rendered a quick diffuse render so I had my angle for my opacity map.) This is why I used camera UV. If I had the car UV mapped to begin with then I would not had to do this step. But, it wasn't so I had to work around it... :o
Below is what the map looked like when I was done.
I hope this helps.
Let me know if you have any other questions. My door is always open.


Updated the image.
Changed the color Grade and added some subtle puddles.
I am done now with this shot.
On to the next.


This is the most stunning automobile rendering I've yet seen. Amazing attention to detail. I love the color grading- the car is so well integrated into the scene. Looks like you even matched the chromatic aberration with that of the backplate. Very photographic quality. Outstanding.


Magnus Skogsfjord

Phew, this is masterful stuff. Flawless!


great work, the background is a picture/environment?

Jeff Hayden

Absolutely awesome work Tim as always.


 :o excellent technique!


If I am reading this right, you 'hand' painted that alpha mask?
Wondering if the normal pass from Keyshot (using the same camera) could be a starting point, then photoshop it to be black and white for the alpha by converting a specific RGB color to white..... I need to try this now.


Yes, the normal pass is the answer. I don't like spilling the beans all at once. I like to see people think about it some before I explain all the secrets...lol


Quote from: feher on June 29, 2018, 06:57:04 PM
Yes, the normal pass is the answer. I don't like spilling the beans all at once. I like to see people think about it some before I explain all the secrets...lol

HAHA! Just trying to keep up with you Tim, I'm always several (thousand) steps behind.