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Gaston Lagaffe

Started by Raaden, October 31, 2012, 05:08:34 AM

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For all of you who are into Belgian comics, here's Andre Franquin's lazy anti-hero Gaston Lagaffe in 3D. Enjoy!


Guust Flater ...

Yes !  Very good :)

Now render an entire book with this, I'll buy one  ;)

According to wiki: Gomer Goof (in English)


Holy cow! Skin is spot on! Very 'Pixarish'...



Tiho Ramovic

Great render, well done!!
I just love Gaston, brings me to my childhood  :)


Awesome - how did you do the hair?



Thanks for all your comments and kind words!
Here's an additional pose, very Gaston-ish. As to rendering a whole book, don't tempt me! In the wake of the recent Tintin movie I would love for someone to develop Gaston or Spirou and Fantasio into scripts as well. What fantastic stories they would be!
Thomas, I used ZBrush and made a few strand selections on the base mesh of the hair. I extracted these as thin strips, polished and inflated them and voila!
I must say by the way, the rendering capabilities of Keyshot are so infinately much better than those of ZBrush, especially translucency!


Awesome - I like the idea of rendering a whole book :-)

Thanks for answering the question re: modeling the hair. We will have a tighter Z-Brush integration at some point ... it is on the list of things to do.


That is really great work. Did you convert to Dynamesh for doing the hair after pulling the strands out?


Tighter ZBrush integration is really good news Thomas! Looking forward to it!
As for the hair, after extraction I sculpted directly on the strands because the basemesh had a high enough subdivision level to allow this, i.e. detail was never as problem. I only dynamesh if I have no other option since it produces too many tris. Luckily there's now the very helpful qRemesher however..


Raaden, can you explain how you got the material ID's from ZBrush to work in Keyshot? I've tried exporting .obj from ZBrush and importing into Keyshot but it opens as all one colour, ie the Polygroup colours from ZBrush are not there. This problem doesn't happen when exporting .obj from MAX, the material ID colours are all intact.


You can't export polypaint from zBrush, first you have to bake the colour into a UV map.


Thanks Raaden, I will try that.