Render quality drops when computer is inactive

Started by manji.gif, April 27, 2018, 10:53:42 AM

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Hi all
I'm facing a weird behaviour. I'm rendering an animation, in "maximum time" setting. The frames rendered while I'm at the computer (using it) have way more quality then the ones are done while I'm away from the computer and it's inactive. In the attachment you can se both results.

Key Shot 7 on iMac Pro 14core

Esben Oxholm

Using maximum time for rendering animations is generally not a good approach.
Some frames are more heavy than others and depending on if you are using the computer to do other task on/off the quality of the frames will differ.

I'll suggest to use the max. samples mode and use the heads-up display to decide on the number of samples needed.

Not sure why the frames while you use the computer are better then when you're not using it. Should be opposite I guess.