Opacity when aligning to backplate

Started by danclarkwcp, November 11, 2011, 07:30:22 PM

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Is there a way to temporarily adjust the overall opacity of a model? This would be very helpful when aligning a model to a backplate. I'm trying to replace part of a product photo with a new piece that I'm rendering, so I'd like to get the alignment as close as possible, before fiddling in Photoshop.


Not really.

Have you tried using the ground grid?


There's a slick trick that may help.  I had a similiar situation of precisely fitting a new CAD model into a client supplied backplate of an operating room.  The new product was to replace the old "real" one.

I imported the new SolidWorks model twice, with each in perfect alignment with each other using the import settings.  Then I applied an "X-ray" to the second model (anything transparent works, like glass, etc.), hid the first model, and adjusted everything to suit, since I could see through it.  This did include positions, camera, FL and the like.  Then I showed the first model and readjusted it to the first.  Hide the second, and you're good to go.

Be sure to save everything!

Also, I then used the second model for a clown pass, making life easy in Photoshop.

Bill G
