Model Scaling Revisions

Started by multitech, February 28, 2013, 08:30:38 AM

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Hi Guys,

My first Keyshot model was a little ambitious and now I have months into refining my skid steer loader model.  I imported the model from Solidworks into Keyshot 3 (didn't use the plug-in, just opened the Solidworks assembly) and I had no idea what the imported scale was.  Now that I'm using Keyshot 4, I imported a ruler from Grabcad and selected Size Keep Original so I'm assuming the ruler is the correct size.  As you can see, my loader model is tiny.  I'm a little burned out on eyeball sizing every new assembly part I add to the model.  I guess I can go back to the Solidworks model and use the new Keyshot 4 plug-in with live linking, but I have a lot of time modifying materials and moving subassemblies and parts around in Keyshot to fix overlap errors.  I don't want to redo all that work.

So my question is; What would be the best way to go about scaling everything using the new features in Keyshot 4?  Will I get size and location errors trying to scale multiple top level models in the scene tree?  Also, this model is about 700 MB.  I don't know if that's huge for Keyshot or not.




Did you import the ruler into a bip file that was made with KeyShot 3?


Yes, the Bip file was initially created in Keyshot 3.


If you look at the scale value of your loader, you will see that it is probably quite small. The scale value of the ruler is 1.

When you create a new scene in KeyShot 4, nothing will be scaled if (i.e. scale value of 1) when imported using "Keep Original".

700MB is not huge.


Thanks Thomas,

My loader was scaled to .0018 and I changed it back to 1.  I had to scale and reposition half a dozen top level groups but it didn't take long.

So Live Linking won't link back to my Solidworks model since I didn't initially use the Keyshot 4 plug-in, correct? 



That is a good question. Honestly, I don't know the answer. But we will take a look.



Your assumption is correct. I imported a .sldprt to KeyShot3 - saved as a .bip - opened in KeyShot4 - made changes to CAD - and attempted to update using the KS4 SW plugin. The results were that the changed model was imported to the scene in addition to the original geometry and did not retain materials. Did you apply shaders to material groups in the original model? If so you can save all your custom materials to your KeyShot 4 Materials library and use material templates to save time applying materials to your updated geometry.




I didn't apply shaders as far as I know.  I'll check out saving my materials and using the Keyshot templates.
