3d glasses - jaggy caustiscs

Started by Esben Oxholm, March 31, 2013, 04:37:23 AM

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Esben Oxholm


I've been experimenting a bit with a pair of 3dglasses. I've have a sphere in the scene with the "area light diffuse" material wich provide almost all the light in the scene. The environment is set to 0.15 in brightness.

I'm satisfied with the overall result, but the blue and red caustic from the glass that hits the ground is quite jaggy. I've tried to adjust different settings, but cant figure out how to improve the caustic.

Any good ideas?
Best regards


Just a guess but maybe the DOF interferes with the the caustics or the scene needs ray bounces set to a higher number ...



Try to increase the shadow quality.

Esben Oxholm

Removing DOF and increasing shadow quality doesn't help.
I have furthermore tried to pump up every render setting parameter one by one without luck.

I have also tried to increase samples directly in the transparent material and in the diffuse light materials with no results...

Nothing seems to affect it. Not noticable at least.

Any ideas?

I have uploaded a package with the scene if anyone should feel like solving the problem :)



Aha, you got caustics (experimental) enabled for the area light.
In my experience the current caustic implementation needs super many samples (general sampling level) or much time to get smooth results.
I believe Henrik can confirm this will be greatly improved in future KS releases...

For this particular scene you might be better off with disabling caustics and switching the material of your glasses to 'Glass' (the simpe one, not solid glass...).
This will give you a semi-caustic effect that gives very smooth results very fast.

See attached ksp file.


Esben Oxholm

Nice DriesV. Thank you very much (y)