The best format for import_without tesselation

Started by bluenite, September 11, 2014, 01:14:27 AM

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When you import 3dm object from Rhino, are seen edge surfaces (tesselation). How to achieve the removal of these edges, so that the uneven surface was smooth? I tried the option Import NURBS data in the Import dialog, without much improvement. Or what format is suitable for import into KS5?
thanks for the advice


You can adjust your mesh density before exporting from Rhino,or you can try altering the tessellation on import into KS



Did you switch on NURBS rendering (available in Pro)? It should make everything perfectly smooth.


If NURBS rendering didn't help, you've probably got a wonky scale. Make sure your model is real scale.
In Rhino go to the mesh settings (options>mesh>custom)
Change all the numbers to zero except Maximum distance, edge to surface.
Start at .01 for mm, or .001 for inches.

Go to shade mode in perspective view with Everything visible. If you don't do that, the mesh is ignored.

The mesh you see in the view is the mesh that is imported.