Copying an existing animation to a new model?

Started by Kira, February 19, 2015, 07:28:59 AM

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Hello all, I have created an animation.  The model I used now has an update that I cannot import (We purchased the Keyshot version from GeoMagic / Alibre, then bought the Animation and VR upgrades from Luxion. There is no direct model import for these files).  Is there a way to copy an existing animation and paste it on a new version of the same model?  The individual parts/names are the same.


Start an import and select Update Geometry, that should work, don't forget to save your current progress though just in-case it don't work as expected



Martin, Kira can't do that since her version doesn't have importers. And the folks at Alibre haven't updated the plugin so you don't have LiveLinking available.

Kira, can you import a bip file, or only open it?


Oops ... My apologies, didn't know that Thomas, thanks for correcting me ;)



Kira, can you import a bip file, or only open it?

     We were able to import and open bip files.  When importing a file to update geometry, KeyShot Closed or Stopped Working every time.  We could import small parts into a scene, but they showed up invisible (with orange outline-even after assigning material) or extremely huge. 

     We are trying KeyShot PRO now (thank you Bruno) and were able to import and update directly into the existing animation.