Transparency and Normal Map

Started by Jesse.Art, November 22, 2018, 01:12:17 AM

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I'm having trouble with getting my normal map to show up using the Translucent(Advanced) material. Is there some sort of issue with it or am I missing something?


Hi arsmod-

An image would be helpful. My first thought is, have you enabled the  "Normal Map" option check box under the Bump Height slider?



It's checked. I've used the translucency material before but have never tried using a normal map with it. If I change it to the advanced material then the bump displays properly. If I then go back to translucency, it disappears.

The normal map is for her skin texture. I've included screenshots from both materials as well as the settings for the normal map.


I can't recreate this issue in KeyShot 8.1.58 (current version)

left cylinder - translucent with normal map
right cylinder - translucent (advanced) with normal map