Texture Maps

Started by JackNicholas, April 16, 2019, 05:57:53 AM

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Hello, how do you all create maps for textures that don't come with any as standard?


It depends on what tool you are familiar with, some people use blender, 3ds max , 3d coat, zbrush, cinema 4d...  to generate  uv mapping on  models but few standalone tools dedicated to uv mapping also exists, it depend on your needs.


lol, in the past I used to just go to the Maxwell material library, and recycle some of the maps I find there  :o

these days though if I can't find what I need within a reasonable timeframe, I either just bash something together in photoshop myself or settle on the nearest available thing.

truth is most of the stuff I make is either opaque plastics, the occasional bit of glass and painted metals. the fun is in creating the background / setting if I feel the client will appreciate it.

nowadays things are easier than ever with sources like poliigon / textures.com, apps and libraries like Substance / Quixel...


Thank you both, I will take a look at the programs you have mentioned :)