Keyshot fails on Mac Lion OS

Started by nakizo, July 26, 2011, 11:51:50 AM

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I upgraded Mac to Lion and now I get an error when I try to open any file in KeyShot.  I have tried ProE as well as STEP to no avail.  Anyone else experience this?


Yes - we just noticed this as well and are working on a fix. Rhino, SketchUp, FBX, OBJ, AutoCAD, and ALIAS are not affected by this.



Any ideas when the patch will be available?  ???




We font know as we are depending on a third party for this one. For now, I suggest you use step. When importing, click on Advanced, and check Use Old Importers.


Any update to when this might be fixed??  Thanks!


I would like to know as well, since its doing weird things for me and taking a long time to import using old importers.


What "weird" things? Can you give me an example?

We are working with our supplier on resolving the issue. Unfortunately, I can't promise a date. We hope to have it soon.

I apologize for the inconvenience.



Sorry, by weird things I meant that using the old importers setting seems to make my imports take much longer. I only noticed it on some models because I have two machines one with lion and one not yet upgraded. On the upgraded one the import process seems to just hang sometimes where the non-upgraded machine has no issue. Could just be that my machine is an isolated occurrence or just the fact using the old importers setting slows the import down.


having the same issue- tried step and iges files of a solidworks model with error messages.

I tried using the "old importers" and I assumed the software was hung up- waited ten minutes or so- is it just a sheer matter of waiting out the import? The model I'm working with is largish- (128 Megs)


Yes - the old importers are much slower. We are close to being able to offer a fix for this.


Thanks Thomas, I definitely appreciate the prompt replies.

daniel Plata

Hi there, any news when the there will be a fix for the ones that have OX Lion and running Keyshot with Proe?

Thanks in advance for your support



We do have this addressed for KeyShot 3.