Farfetched idea but might be extremly useful

Started by Troopermanaic, April 30, 2012, 10:22:10 PM

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Well havent really thought about it until today but I realize that keyshot is an actual VERY powerful texturing program. I hadnt realized until I exported this model I made into keyshot http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/061/0/2/02daa7a1e5e5c78485bb3f70bdc10f7d-d4ri29n.png
This wasn't UV mapped, all I did was model it, change some materials and made a few .PNG images in photoshop and slapped it together in Keyshot. It would be AMAZING if I was able to export this just the way it is with the texture to another program. Honestly would make this program a ALLOT more useful to me.

Just throwing it out there but, maybe consider exporting in the next version?