Quality of the render/ Unsharp, blur colors

Started by Chando, October 28, 2013, 12:55:23 PM

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Hello guys,

i have this following problem.

If i work in Keyshot and put all the textures on my model, it renders in realtime (yeah). It looks very good and sharp und the color are soo beautiful.

But when i click on render and set the "good " preset on and take ".tif"

i get a bad render, where the colors and the object is not sharp. Why the hell, in real time, it is a better quality as in the output?

What can i do? For me it takes a long time to render, because of my computer, but thats not the problem, when i cant get a very high quality render.

Waited now for 2 hours and got a render, wich is not sharp and the colors are little bit blur -_-


80% of the time I don't bother to render.  If I'm happy with the quality and size of real-time image after it has rez'ed up, hit Render > Save Screen Shot.  I've set up my preferences for Screen Shot format to PNG, quality = 100.  IMHO, no reason to take more time than necessary if you're happy with the real-time render.

Now, if you want a larger output, render layers, alpha channel - you'll need to render rather than save screen shot.  Try setting your render to Max Time with perhaps 8 minutes.  That's what I normally use when I render.



Also keep in mind that the "offline renderer" has the pixel blur set to 1.5 which will apply a small blur to the picture.