KeyShot > Fine Art Prints

Started by Speedster, August 19, 2010, 07:57:56 AM

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Hi all;

I've shown a lot of my work, and I hope your'e not bored!  Most of my rendering is for my medical device clients as part of the visualization process and literature, always photographically accurate.  And I seldom get to share them!

But for my own work, KeyShot is more of a tool toward the end result, like Photoshop, which is the creation of Fine Art giclee prints that I offer online and in galleries.  For some reason, "photographs" just don't work for my creative side- it needs to kick up to a different level.  So, here's a few examples.

My workflow is simple (not!); SolidWorks > KeyShot 2 Pro > FilterForge > Photoshop > Epson 4880 wide-format printer.  We do our own printing, matting and framing.

Critical to post work in FilterForge is a really high quality rendering to start with.  I use no Depth of Field, as it confuses things in the final image.  If you have not done so, check out  I personally think it should be in every KeyShooter's toolbox- it's reasonable and a perfect fit with KeyShot.

Bill G


Bill - Those are great.  I like the red hot rod especially.  Looks like you use the FF cartoon filter or some variation.

I'm interested in how FF can be used for materials in KeyShot, such as metals, rocks, fabrics, etc.  Do you have any close up examples?  I'm looking to add some interesting ground planes and props to go with my models.

Are there advantages over using just bump mapped images within KeyShot?



FilterForge is a very strange and creative app that you really need to use to appreciate.  I first got it to create bumps and normals "back in the day" before KS1 and 2.  You can take any given photo, like of your dog or something, and create some wonderful textures and effects, render them out in FF and use them in KS.  I use FF both to create textures, and often as a final post-process.

There's two sides to FF.  On one hand you can download filters that others have created directly from the FF website, and tweak them as much as you like.  Some are silly, but most are well thought out and useful.  You can also upload your own for others to use.  It's quite a community.

On the other side, there's a full blown toolkit to create your own filters, by "simply" linking together effects boxes.  Much like creating a printed circuit or electronics component in those apps.  Not easy, but I'm slowly getting the hang of it, as time allows.

Here's a few textures I've created in FilterForge, some mine and some others, tweaked. The "shaft" I use on machined cylindrical shafts.  Now, with internal bump capability in KS, textures are a breeze to use.

Bill G