Update functionality of Network Rendering doesn't work

Started by DonChunior, January 01, 2014, 10:37:49 PM

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We use Network Rendering version 4.3.4 from 17th of December 2013.

When I choose Check for updates from the help menu of the network queue, I always get following error: Master Critical Error - Could not connect to the update server, please try again later

Internet access is available at the Master.

Claus Jensen


Yes, we're connecting through a proxy server.
The configuration in the KeyShot Network Configurator is set to "Automatic proxy detection".

Brandon Davis

Can you try manually setting a proxy connection? Simply select the type of connection(HTTP/SOCKS) and give the IP address and port number of the proxy server. Click "Close and restart services" when finished.


Hi Brandon,

meanwhile I added the settings of our HTTP proxy server, but I still get the error message!  :(
The only thing that has changed is, that the error message appears immediately. Before I set the proxy settings, it took some 10 seconds, till the message showed up.

Our network guru means, if you could tell me the IP address of the update server, it can be added in a "white list" at our central IT department. Hopefully it then works!
Can you please tell me the IP address of the update server?

Best regards, DonChunior

PS: The password of the proxy configuration gets saved as clear text! Please change this, that's not state of the art.


Because of our complicated IT infrastructure (several firewalls, proxy servers ...) for us it is still not possible to use the auto update functionality.  :(
Can you provide another way to get the latest updates? This means, that I don't want to send an email to the support every time, to ask, if we've got the latest version.

Best regards, DonChunior