Looking for a special Material / Shader

Started by dw_biohort, February 26, 2015, 05:15:52 AM

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Hey guys,

i`m looking for a way to give parts a thin black frame, like seen on this example: (the screw)

Is there a way to do that, can anybody help me?

Thank you!

greetings, David

Esben Oxholm

Take a look at the toon material. Might be useful for what you want to achieve :)


Yes- toon.  Do a beauty shot followed by a black (or other) outline toon.  You can use the too Environmental Shadows to suit, and it's fun to play with. Be sure to lock your camera!  Then in PS, delete the white background of the toon and use the result as a layer over the hero shot.  Adjust transparency to suit.  Lock the layers!

Bill G


Thank you so much!! That`s exactly what i was looking for!  ;D