Flip/Mirror objects?

Started by SimonJ, April 03, 2015, 07:24:27 AM

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Hi everyone. Keyshot newbie here!

I know how to rotate and move objects in KeyShot, but unless I'm missing the obvious, I can't figure out how to flip an object horizontally or vertically. Is it possible to do this, and if so, how?



It is possible, but not obvious ;)

You can scale any object or part by a negative value which will flip it along that axis. In the screenshot you can see I've duplicated a part, then flipped it by scaling it by -1 on the Z axis.

Let me know if this helps!


Cheers, Richard. You're a diamond. :)

Esben Oxholm

Great tip. Didn't know that  8)


nice one! you learn something new every day... thanks