Understanding the center tool

Started by jeffw, April 22, 2015, 08:18:08 AM

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I am not sure if this is a bug or I something I just don't understand.

If you select a part in the scene tree and in the position tab set xyz all to zero, then move the part with the middle mouse button nothing changes with the xyz position numbers.  If you release your part up in a corner of the view window and click on center nothing happens. No movement. I cant understand what the center buttons function is. Any ideas?

I am on 5.2.10


I'm not sure I understand. You are not moving the part with the middle mouse button, but rather the camera.


Ok, I now understand the mmb moves the camera. What then is the function of center button?


It moves the relevant piece of geometry towards the center of the scene (x=0, z=0 in global coordinates)


This still does not make any sense to me. If I select a part and in the Postion tab set translation xyz to 0 the part moves. If I then set xyz to 4 the part moves again. If I then hit the center button the part moves again but xyz stay at 4. If center is not 0,0,0 then where is it?

A location cannot be established without a reference position that does not move. What seems to be missing in Keyshot is there is no visual point of reference to know where in the viewport 0,0,0 is. If you set the translation of your model to 4 units what are you 4 units away from? CAD progams give you xyz planes that you can see. When you hit fit to view those planes come to the center of your viewport and you can instantly see where your model is in relation to the xyz planes. They you can numerically adjust the position your model in relation to those planes. Keyshot shows translation numbers but I don't see that the numbers mean anything without some point of reference. 

