Driving Home in the rain. This time in B&W.

Started by EGON, May 21, 2015, 05:16:18 PM

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Looked horrible in color. I used Nik Silver Efex Pro 2 with a green filter for the conversion to B&W to get rid of that green, cyan cast I put in most of my stuff.


I like this one - Even driving on the wrong side of the road for us Brits :)



I love this shot!! Could you explain how you get it?

Esben Oxholm


Thanks! Here you go Slater. Blend mode for rain is Screen in PS.


Egon, that last shot is one of your best ever!  Exactly the color it was here in Santa Fe, New Mexico, during a heavy rainstorm last week.  A bit scary, and we kept looking for a funnel cloud.
Bill G


Hey Bill. It's been raining here in Denver every day for at least 10 days. Nothing better to do but render and smoke..............................:)


Well, I can think of another fun activity for a rainy day! It's almost as good as rendering!
Bill G



Quote from: EGON on May 23, 2015, 01:59:20 PM
Thanks! Here you go Slater. Blend mode for rain is Screen in PS.
Well thanks Egon to show yoru wai in to get it! That a good way...i will adopt sometime.