Diamond Jewellery Render Check

Started by MarcoPolo, May 29, 2015, 07:22:36 PM

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Hi All,

I had someone render a pair of diamond earrings for me on KeyShot.  I want to get the diamonds to be whiter and have more brilliance and fire.   Is this achievable on KeyShot.  What adjustments should I get this person to make.

We sell jewellery on a website so, we need the diamonds to look real and have amazing shine and brilliance.

I am spending a lot of time to get this first piece of work correct, then we can make sure that all the other pieces rendered will be to that standard.

Any help is very much appreciated.

Also, I have looks though he work you guys are going and everything looks amazing. 

Thank you



I made some basic recommendations in response to a similar question a few weeks ago.  Hope this helps:


I think you're close.  Experiment and post some results :)

Ed Ferguson



I think they look fine Marco. Maybe a darker background would make the diampods pop more.


Hey guys,

What do you think of the latest version.  This is certainly not my work, I have had someone else do this for us. 


I preferred the previous image - Diamonds and silver/white gold are a difficult combination, the trick is to generally render two images where one favours the metal work and the other favours the stones then composite the two images in an image manipulation app such as Photo Shop. I will have to try a jewellery render in the new beta version of KS and see what can be achieved.
