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Started by edwardo, June 01, 2015, 03:02:06 PM

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Very early attempt at some sort of garage/hanger type place. Will keep adding detail and post some more...

Nils Piirma

sweet JEEBUS! this looks amazing man, is there a possibility to presumably have this scene later on for car renders?


yea, I'm sure we could talk a deal.... i needs some car models   ;)

My plan was to experiment a bit... I want to finish detailing the room, set my camera in the middle of the space then take enough shots to stitch together an HDRI dome. After that I will take some higher res/more detailed backplates. End result being an hdri environment + backplates + full geometry scene (if its needed).  My hope was this would serve as a decent environment for any robot/mecha/future machines type stuff I might be working on.

Also, would appreciate if anyone wants to donate models of cranes/tools/barrels/tyre racks etc etc (basically anything that might be found in a garage type place.


Nils Piirma

I can give you an exclusive model, the AUDI A9 PROLOGUE :) PM me!

Magnus Skogsfjord

Oh man, I see such high potential with this setup! Loving it :)


Thanks peeps. Yea, i see potential too, not because its anything special, just because this is the result of VERY basic surfaces from Rhino and very little detail. 1 hour in rhino whilst trying to avoid watching the Britains Got 'Talent' final, then 20 mints in keyshot with zero time spent on materials/textures. I foresee good things when I get round to actually adding some detail and working on textures and lighting a bit.

another shot, of the other side. Bare in mind that this is 'straight out the box' - not lighting/environment/materials tweaking. Just thought i'd share the early shots anyway.


Magnus Skogsfjord

I think it got a great combination of clean and modern indoor design combined with that subtle gritty worn look. Would be a perfect 3D enviroment for a lot of products. I think it only could use some more detailed texturing (some repetition in the wall concrete) before being an excellent scene for a vehicle.

How did you light the scene? HDR and IES?


Hi, its just a sun/sky HDR coming in from the three roof apertures. I have a bit of time today, might try and get some detail in, or I might just go play a round of golf instead  :D

Magnus Skogsfjord

Nice! I'm looking forward to see theprogress/end result :)


cool, should be done in or around 2018   :-\


Starting to get a bit of detail modelled in... just arbitrary to be honest, not very well thought out or designed. This image still hasn't had any work on materials/textures. Lit only by the area diffuse lights that you can see.

Esben Oxholm

Cool, edwardo! Looks very promising.



Thanks Esben/Strunzo.

will keep plodding away at this and hopefully have something better soon. It's turned out to be a bigger piece of work than I had meant it to be!

Nils Piirma

I'm also very interested in seeing this come alive.
I can also introduce you to some guys at GameCan industries, they're currently developing a sci-fi FPS.
Would be a great scene to demo their robotic fighters.
The game is called Overstep