Midnight Snack Attack Shack

Started by TpwUK, June 07, 2015, 03:20:56 PM

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Not an easy render this one - After four hours it's still a little too 'noisy' - so will have to try some post editing, not done any for years ;)



This is so cool!  Looks like a nightclub here in Santa Fe.

Interior setting?  Just curious- have you tried a "Product" setting with a balls-out render?  I see a real difference on some images, but less so on others, when I've tested the Interior at say 20 minutes (32 cores) or Product with Advanced Controls.

Bill G


Thanks for the tip - i will give it a try and see how it goes. I don't know why but all my interior renders seem to be noisy, so I think i will try your suggestion then try this kitchen again but with some 'lighter' smooth materials and see if it gets better results :)



Well, what's noise to some is sweet music to others! Ask any parent! I like it as is!
Bill G


It looks fine at displayed size here Bill, but when you look at the full size render it's not so good - But that's the fun with testing things.



These are great tests. We are still refining the interior lighting algorithm. If you have particularly difficult scenes then please share them with us at beta@luxion.com.