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Extreme ways

Started by plbb, November 09, 2010, 06:53:23 PM

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Brian Townsend

The LED is very nice!  Great work!


Is it possible to explain how this LED was done ?
Maybe shere the bip even ? :)

I'd like to make a collection of light sources and experiment some with adding them to various (architectural) scenes.  It is known that KS works great with HDRI's for outdoor lighting, but it's quite dark usually indoors.


I let this light bulb image sit overnight and saved a screenshot this morning.
They don't seem to light up the scene much though ...


Quote from: PhilippeV8 on March 01, 2011, 11:12:23 PM
I let this light bulb image sit overnight and saved a screenshot this morning.
They don't seem to light up the scene much though ...
Please give me your email address. I'll send this bip to you :)
my blog address is 
PS:Your bulb model is oneself do?
Pretty Good^^


Although I am very new at this the addition of 3 floodlights off camera did seem to warm-up this clock case.
The floodlight was set at maximum emissive white. The light stands were added to help locate or aim the lights.


Pretty neat. I like it.


This bulb model, I didn't make it myself, no ..  I simply downloaded one from the sketchup database.

Nice render with those floodlights trice1 !

Someone at work saw my bulb-render and had an idea ... add the company logo .. I had to puzzle this from 3 renders because if the emissive material was set to reflect on objects in the scene, there were some reflections that cut trough the company logo, making it a mess.  When set not to reflect, it didn't show trough the glass of the bulb ... so I had to render without the glass and once with the glass.


Quote from: trice1 on March 06, 2011, 11:02:54 AM
Although I am very new at this the addition of 3 floodlights off camera did seem to warm-up this clock case.
The floodlight was set at maximum emissive white. The light stands were added to help locate or aim the lights.
I also did something similar, but not very successful > <


@ PhilippV8 - you need a little bit of bloom.


phillipV8-ref. mazida  I don't see any reflections or light bounces from your light source. Did you tick on <visible in reflections> in the emissive materials? Also, I don't know if it makes any difference, but there are giant light bulbs inside the reflectors which are also at 100% intensity. Maybe it was my imagination but it appears that I could aim the light where I wanted it. Possibly the reflector around the bulb is bouncing those ray traces towards the subject? Also had <ray bounces> in realtime set at about 10.


plbb > It's hard to see if it is succesfull or not with such a far camera view !

Thomas > Effects were enabled, intensity @ 1 and radius @ 10 ... or so it should have been ...  Not 100% sure if it was on for both renders I combined, but for sure, the render with the company logo, it was on .. otherwise it wouldn't have looked so "fluffy".

trice1 > your post refered to the car render from plbb ?


Yes it did. Sorry about that philippeV8.


@ plbb > you got a PM.
