Saving Materials Preset...?

Started by DarkEdge, June 27, 2015, 05:05:23 PM

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So I am importing a model/figure by materials and am posing that figure in another program then reimporting again to keyshot. Once I have all of the materials for that figure setup (about 15 different materials) can I save that material preset as a whole, so when I import that figure again (different pose) since the materials are the same can I apply that 15 material preset to it in one punch?
Hope I'm making myself clear, let me know if you need more info.

Esben Oxholm

Hi DarkEdge.

If you keep the name of your parts the same, it should be possible using the 'Material Template' feature. Go to window > Material templates.

There is a description of how it works in the KS5 Manual at page 117:
