Ivory - Controversial I know - But hey ho there ya go

Started by TpwUK, July 16, 2015, 05:28:51 PM

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Still playing with the new Translucent material, and I must say it's simply the fastest SSS shader/material i have ever used. Great job guys !!
To give an idea of speed, this is a ten minute render - The material has been tested with several HDRi environments and stays pretty good across all the maps i tried.



Nice render mate, looks like ivory to me

Shame it isn't getting any attention

Tusk Tusk... err, I mean, tsk tsk



Hope it's legal ivory!

I think what's missing, though, is the dark veining and "cracks" that distinguish vintage ivory.  That would be an interesting beta test of graphing...

This would be a great material!

Bill G


@ J - Cheers buddy ... I Needed perking up a bit and that joke was good enough  ;D

@ Bill - I haven't found a way yet to get a good crackling effect - If i find a way then i will do an antique ivory too :)

Thanks for the comments guys



Try to tweak the cellular noise texture shape 1-3 and low/high parameters to get the cracks.


Thanks for the tip Soren - It was a no deal, looks too flat ... It's another one of those that might need Displacement, going to try a Normals map and see what happens with that



Love how you're trying out some more exotic materials. This is pretty spot on to me.


Thanks Josh :)

@ Soren - Tried with a really heavy normals map and it still won't play - I will revisit this again though and try another way to get antique crackling effect.



Antique Ivory ? Let me know what you think, especially ways to improve this. It's a toughie :)



Those cells are just too small. They'd be way more subtle, larger. I think some texture and roughness with occlusion are in order. Here's a good sample image I came across.


Thanks for the feedback josh - That crackling is the KS cellular texture, if i go much larger in the scale the cracks start to look too wide, would be great if i could find a way of controlling the cracks. I have found a nice crackling map that J has converted to seamless for me, so will be trying that later to see how it works, just fighting with a corny scene at the moment :)



Hi Martin,

You can control the crackling width on the cellular texture by tweaking low/high (under contrast). E.g. low = 0.950, high = 0.951 will give you quite thin cracks. The lower the high-value is the thicker the cracks will be and the closer low is to high the sharper the crack.

Just a suggestion.


Nice render Søren - Thanks for the info on the contrast - I will play with that some more then .... That model looks familiar :)
