bathroom and kitchen view

Started by satish gobind, September 30, 2015, 05:24:40 AM

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satish gobind

bathroom and kitchen view recent work


These are looking really good, will have to watch out for what you can do with v6 :)



Looks sharp! The perspective of that picture hanging on the wall is throwing me off though. Would love to see the clay render before and the render straight out of KeyShot.

Will Gibbons

What Josh said! Nice work. Also, a thought... the glass around the shower area... seems like you'd want the glass to stop before the ceiling so there was some ventilation for the steam, at least for the sake of the ceiling.

Also, when I view the kitchen full-size, I see some odd diagonal lines. Not sure what that's from since I don't get those in my renderings. Any thoughts?


Kitchen > apart from the picture on the wall that is way off as mentioned, I'd add a few things.

First the place where the wall meets the ceiling .. that part has too much yellow in it.  Looks dirty & old.

Second I'd suggest mirroring the desk with the sink.  That's not an ergonomic setup you've got goin on there.  Having to walk around it to pour boiling water away after your patato's or pasta is done cooking.

Finaly the oven texture don't match perspective, but if that's the only flaw in the render remaining, I could well live with that ;)

Will Gibbons

Quote from: PhilippeV8 on October 01, 2015, 07:22:41 AM
Kitchen > apart from the picture on the wall that is way off as mentioned, I'd add a few things.

First the place where the wall meets the ceiling .. that part has too much yellow in it.  Looks dirty & old.

Second I'd suggest mirroring the desk with the sink.  That's not an ergonomic setup you've got goin on there.  Having to walk around it to pour boiling water away after your patato's or pasta is done cooking.

Finaly the oven texture don't match perspective, but if that's the only flaw in the render temaining, I could well live with that ;)

Good call on the sink island. I'd just rotate that 180 and that would seem more logical.