Super trick when dealing with imported models (5.3.6)

Started by Speedster, October 22, 2015, 10:23:17 AM

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Hi all;

This applies to SolidWorks, but perhaps to other CAD platforms.

My client sent me a huge SolidWorks 2015 model in which the designer had used hundreds of surfaces (in a base model feature) to generate.  Always a big pain, as KeyShot recognizes those surfaces, and you have to carefully go through, identify and delete them.

Also, in this case, for some reason KeyShot would not import two critical parts.

So in desperation, after everything was carefully mapped, I saved the Top Assembly as a Parasolid x_t, then opened that in SolidWorks.

I then imported the newly saved "import" into KeyShot...

Voila!  No surfaces, and the two missing parts were there!  Off and running!

Maybe this trick may help some of you when dealing with an obstinate assembly!

Bill G


Many thanks Speedster:
did you also test competing file formats like step or acis ?
this could be quite useful to know for some kind of improved work-flow....

best wishes


No, I have not tested other formats.  This was a "mass panic attack" solution.  I always use Parasolid because it retains UV mapping and essential tree structure.  I also use it when we want to send "dead" files out to vendors, which they receive as an "import".  You can do Feature Recognition, but it takes a LONG time!
Bill G