Porsche GT3RS (my2016) Studio shoots

Started by Arian Shamil, December 23, 2015, 04:27:08 PM

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Arian Shamil

I did some studio renders using Keyshot 6, without any hdr environment but just playing with the emissive and IES lights of Keyshot.
Hope you like it

For full detail, credits and QHD renderings check here: http://arianshamil.com/w/porsche-gt3rs-2016-studio-shoots/

Here i attached the fullhd renderings ;)


Very nice work Arian, that rear light cluster is the dogs nads :)


Arian Shamil

Thanks a lot Martin! I'm glad you like it! :) It means a lot to me :)


Beautiful work Arian...Bellissima! Maybe you can adjust the overall color on the vehicle...as it is now the black color is not consistent, maybe it's an environment issue. You see it more on the sides of the door in your images. IMO. Please correct me if I'm wrong. But again they look great  :)


Arian Shamil

Hi Abed,
Thanks a ton! Thanks you very much about your kind words :)
The paint that i used has a very high reflection because it sould be a pearl titanium (i'm doing some experiment with materials to create some strange car paint :D) and the less darker are that are you speaking about should be the reflection of the environment :)
(if i understood well you're speaking about the door, right? Sorry but my english it is not perfect :D) (anyway it could also happen that there is some isuee too :D)
Thanks again Abed, I really appreciate it  ;)

Martin Kamminga

So good! Maybe it would be cool to try a dark render with sharp white highlights? Just a suggestion. Your renders look great :)

Arian Shamil

Hi Martin!
Thanks a lot to you too...Suggestion are always welcome! And from a master like you they're always more than welcome :)
And I'll do it soon :)
Thanks a lot about what you said about my renders...I appreciate it :) Thanks


This is my favorite work from you to date.
You did an outstanding job on these !!!!
It's a keeper in my book.
Thanks for sharing.

Justin M

All of those are great, especially like the first one!

Arian Shamil

Quote from: feher on December 27, 2015, 07:30:36 AM
This is my favorite work from you to date.
You did an outstanding job on these !!!!
It's a keeper in my book.
Thanks for sharing.

Thanks a lot for all these kind words Tim,
I'm really glad you like them!
Thanks to you for all your advices :)

Arian Shamil

Quote from: Justin M on December 27, 2015, 10:48:03 AM
All of those are great, especially like the first one!

Thanks a lot to you too Justin!
I appreciate it! :)

ace cool

oh my goodness i am totally flat i am in love :P really beautiful.

Arian Shamil