Segmented revolved surfaces

Started by caden2010, December 07, 2010, 06:53:38 AM

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I use Pro-E WF4 and export to KeyShot using latest plugin. I am using KeyShot Pro version 2.1.25

I have experienced quite a number of times when applying materials with textures/bump onto "revolved" surfaces from Pro-E, Keyshot seems to break revolved surfaces down into quadrants. Normally this is not an issue with a paint/metal or a material with a very small texture but with larger textures I am seeing the problem shown below.

Note:- I have superficially increased the size of the texture to clearly show the problem.

This problem is the same for wood/brick etc. I may be doing something fundermentally wrong but can anyone help.


By default everything is box mapped. Change the mapping type to get different results. Flip the object 90 degrees, then use cylindrical mapping, then flip it back. This should help.


Hi Thomas, thanks for the prompt reply.

I have tried a combination of what you suggested and have been able to greatly improve the results. Thanks for your help. I am much happier now. Still some way to go but getting there.


Glad it all worked! The image is starting to look great.