How to import splines?

Started by chippwalters, January 05, 2016, 12:50:25 AM

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I would like to import splines to render hair, fur, etc.. I don't know what format to import them in. Can someone help? Thanks!


Hi Chip - Hair and fur get native support with Maya and C4D as far as i know, you can get ZB Hair and others into KS too via poly conversion.



Thanks Martin.

Are you saying to import via something else other than Maya and C4D one would need to import polys? Or is there some other sort of spline which can be imported?


Quote from: chippwalters on January 05, 2016, 02:41:32 AM
Thanks Martin.

Are you saying to import via something else other than Maya and C4D one would need to import polys? Or is there some other sort of spline which can be imported?

Not at all Chip, what I am saying is if your preferred modelling app is not directly supported then you need a plugin. So if you're a Max user, then try the plugin to see if you get Hair support. I never tried the ZB Bridge so i don't know if it supports the native hair/fur feature of ZB without converting to poly's first. I know that C4D and Maya hair splines can be imported via their native formats of C4D and Mb or Ma



So, I'm a MoI3D user, which exports in the Rhino .3dm format. AFAICT, there's not a Rhino plugin as KeyShot directly imports .3dm. I guess I'm out of luck then.


Are you able to export to alembic from MoI3D? You are able to import curves through that.


Ah .... a NURBs spline, sorry - No support there, you could do a long super slim cone but once multiplied by the number of threads you would have the model would be huge as a NURBs model.

I would export the parts that are hairy as OBJ from MoI, then use something like Blender to grow the hairs, then export them as poly's and combine in KS but keep the parts as Original Locations on import. I have used this method myself and know it works.



I'm actually interested in creating an image like this and thought I could probably do it easily using splines. I can also build it with surfaces as well, so I'll try that. MoI3D is actually really fast at building this sort of graphic-- faster IMO than Illustrator.


Hi chip - Yes your best bet there is to create your curves and then trim and join them where needed and then choose planar to build the surfaces. Then you will have lots of fun with all that layering ... I look forward to seeing the result either here or on the MoI forums :)



Quote from: hstokholm on January 05, 2016, 04:05:54 AM
Are you able to export to alembic from MoI3D? You are able to import curves through that.

No Alembic cache support in MoI Mr. Stockholm



Quote from: chippwalters on January 05, 2016, 02:41:32 AM

Not at all Chip, what I am saying is if your preferred modelling app is not directly supported then you need a plugin. So if you're a Max user, then try the plugin to see if you get Hair support. I never tried the ZB Bridge so i don't know if it supports the native hair/fur feature of ZB without converting to poly's first. I know that C4D and Maya hair splines can be imported via their native formats of C4D and Mb or Ma


Hi Martin,

I created hair/fur in maya using xgen and exported into keyshot using the plugin, the hair/fur went missing in keyshot. I tried exporting into obj format, it still didn't work. Is there any solution to this?


Curves are supported in KeyShot 6 when importing from Maya, either direct or using the plugin.


Quote from: thomasteger on October 21, 2016, 12:39:50 PM
Curves are supported in KeyShot 6 when importing from Maya, either direct or using the plugin.
Thanks for clarifying that Thomas, I thought you could bring in curves/Nurbs with KS6 but couldn't test it because of doing this new pc build as I don't have Maya 2017 installed again yet :/
