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Audi R8 Liberty Walk

Started by SergioBL, May 26, 2016, 06:02:36 PM

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Hey guys! How are you?

It has been a while since my last post here... There is a lot of new people around with really cool stuff!!

So here is the beast, LB Performance did an awesome job with the wide body kit for the R8, overall I love all the Liberty Walk and Rocket Bunny style so maybe I will post some other cars with the same theme :)

Post production done in Photoshop with Nik Color Efex

Comments are highly appreciated!

Sergio Loza

Will Gibbons

Hey! I do like me some Audi :) Nice looking car.

Ask for comments and you shall receive.

1. The biggest thing that seems a bit off here is the reflections on your car don't seem to match your environment, in this case your backplate much. You may be implying that there's a skylight or something, but in that case, the ground would have the same reflections and in this case it doesn't. Also, your light should be coming from the open garage door, which would leave much of the car in the dark. If I were you, I'd create a custom HDRI for this and try to match it with your backplate image.

2. Another item is the floor. At first I thought it was just too shiny, but it looks like you're implying water on the floor, which is cool, but I think it needs some work. Sorry I can't be more helpful there.

3. Composition. I'd try pushing your composition to find something a bit more dynamic. Use photo reference on the web to inspire a more dynamic shot.

Overall, the car itself looks very good. I like the color and materials. Maybe you can add some 'heft' to the vehicle by dropping the car a little lower so the ground plane clips the tires  so it looks like they're slightly deformed by the weight of the car. Also, maybe try making the tires less shiny where they contact the ground.

Those are all fairly nit-picky items though, so take my feedback with a grain of salt! I'd like to see you push this a bit further!



Loads of potential here. Looks great first of all. Will echo what will said about reflections and lighting-it's close though.


Thanks Will and Josh for your comments!

@Will: No backplate here man! thats just the HDRI, that warehouse is open from the top that's why the extra light on the car, I was trying to show a little that open part scaling the environment but the car started to look too big and odd. But again, thanks for your comments, will try to do some tweaks and get this thing better! :)

Happy weekend!
Sergio Loza