Running Keyshot Interface Dark Mode, But Network Queue Is In Light Mode

Started by Robb63, September 02, 2016, 06:58:44 AM

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I run my KS interface in dark mode, and  my Network Render Queue window is also in Dark mode. One of my designers runs his seat of Keyshot in dark mode, but his Queue window is in light mode.

How does he adjust the interface color for the queue?


OK, but why would mine be in dark mode; and his using the same installer from our shared download folder be in light mode, even though both of our Keyshot seats are in dark mode?


I was wrong. It looks like it is connected to KeyShot preferences. Shut down the NR Queue. Change the UI theme to dark, save the preferences, exit KeyShot. The start KeyShot, and start the NR Queue. The theme will be dark for the NR Queue as well.