Change multiple material properties at once

Started by apeiron, September 22, 2016, 02:16:44 AM

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I have a scene with hundreds of different materials but all with specularity set to 0/black.
is there a script or a way to change them all to a different value instead of having to go through each one by one?

thanks a lot.

Will Gibbons

Quote from: apeiron on September 22, 2016, 02:16:44 AM
I have a scene with hundreds of different materials but all with specularity set to 0/black.
is there a script or a way to change them all to a different value instead of having to go through each one by one?

thanks a lot.

There's a workaround that should be good enough for you until that feature is added.

1. Change material type of entire model to diffuse.
2. Change material type of entire model to plastic.
3. Multi-select items that need to be a different material and change those.

The images attached will show how. Right-click on the model and select material>change material type, then choose from the drop-down. This will clear the cached black value assigned to the specular parameter. Next, by doing the same process and changing them all to plastic or paint, you it will apply the default of a white specular to all items while retaining the diffuse color. Finally, you can multi-select bodies or items and do the same process to change material type to say metal, etc. as needed.

Let me know if that helped!
