Importing STL

Started by Zvi, October 25, 2016, 02:45:30 AM

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Can I import a STL file to KeyShot although  there is no Solidworks installed in my PC? I exported from Maya as stl file, but when I tried to import it to KeyShot there was an announce that it has no geometry!

Chad Holton

Should be able to. What KeyShot version are you using exactly (e.g. 5.1.234)? Also, would you be able to share the file with us? If so, please send to my attention:

You can use this upload link if it's too large to send:


Only ALIAS and Maya files require that the application is installed, and in Maya's case also licensed.

Also keep in mind that STL has no structure to it. It will just be one material group.


I think I found the problem. Maya doesn't export well a nurb mesh. When I exported a polygon mesh as stl, I succeeded importing it to KeyShot.
Thank you all!