Glow effect behind logo/letters?

Started by rfollett, November 17, 2016, 07:42:43 AM

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Trying to get a glow behind a logo letters. not much luck, best way?

So far I have created a copy of the letters and reduced in size.. added emissive material but not very effective.. also tried area light.. what am I doing wrong?


Hello. I'd try using directly the back surface of each letter instead of generating two bodies for each one. I am also thinking that you can try using a texture to fake the glow in the wall, like a gradient of the letters or something like that in addition to the actual light source.


I made a quick test using the back surfaces of each letter as i said before. It needs a bit of materials tweaking but i think it can be done this way. Btw i'm using area lights using lumens.

Some texturing work on the wall makes this effect more realistic.


Looks like I was trying to figure this out at the same time as Niko :)

Here's my attempt to recreate something like this, I made a quick model in SketchUp and imported it into KeyShot. I offset a single surface to use as a light, similar to Niko's suggestion below.

The wall is a shiny plastic material, the dark text is slightly rough paint. The light itself is an Area Light. One struggle I had was when the light color was too bright, and I had to decrease the color intensity for better results.

Rendering using Interior Mode gave better results with the physical lights, and I rendered this image to 256 samples on 14 cores. Not sure if this is 100% what you're shooting for, but I've attached the KSP if you want to see more details.




Hi NM-92 what settings did you apply to the back of the letters? Trying to do a halo lit effect as well.


Quote from: mykalh86 on March 31, 2017, 09:02:10 AM
Hi NM-92 what settings did you apply to the back of the letters? Trying to do a halo lit effect as well.

Hello. I really can't remember what settings did i use, but you can download the .ksp file. It's just a couple of messages above. There you can see every material.