KS6.3 update prompt

Started by HaroldL, December 08, 2016, 04:47:56 PM

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Quote from:  KeyshotWhen you start KeyShot, you will be prompted to update, or you can check manually for updates via the Help menu (Windows) or KeyShot menu (Mac).
So what urges Keyshot to prompt for an update?
I've started my Keyshot 6.2 several times since the announcement for 6.3 and at no time has it prompted me to update. I checked Preferences and Auto Update is selected.

And on a related note: is this a full install or just an update? Will it install over the currently installed instance or install a new one?


This build may have not been added to the update server yet. But yes, it will install over the existing installation.


Thanks Thomas,
One more thing, will my custom materials, etc. survive the installation?
