GUI Scaling options?

Started by Shadow, January 21, 2017, 10:40:40 PM

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I recently moved much of my art software over to a new MobileStudio Pro, and quickly found that it was very difficult to work in keyshot with the native 3840 x 2160 resolution. I looked around, and couldn't find any options to enlarge the UI? I'm getting by my hovering over some buttons and waiting for the tool tips to pop up because the buttons are so small.


If you are working in Windows, you can change the "display text" size via the control panel, and it will affect all of the UI elements in Keyshot. I personally have mine set to 125% on my large 4K monitor, makes the icons, text in Keyshot easier to see without being TOO large. Try it out and let me know if that works for you.


Proper 4k support is planned for KeyShot 7.


I'd like to see if anyone has a solution for this problem yet other than scaling in Windows display preferences, which hasn't been effective for me.

I too have very small icon and menu interfaces on my recently installed Keyshot 6 on a new Dell Precision 5520 with a 4k screen. 

I had a similar issue in Rhino and eventually found a solution where I merged a file supplied by Rhino to the registry and copied a second file into the Rhino systems folder.

Does anyone know if a similar fix exists for Keyshot?


Platform / OS: Windows 10
KeyShot version: 6.3 Education
Plugin version:
Modeling system, including version: Rhino 5
Steps to take to reproduce the problem: Occurs upon opening program


This will be addressed in KeyShot 7.


Until v7 comes out you might try scaling your display in the Control Panel and see if that helps: