Re: Random stuff - Trooper

Started by Andrzej Orzecki, March 24, 2017, 03:11:23 PM

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Will Gibbons

Gorgeous! Did you model this? Some very, very beautiful renderings here. Well-done.

Andrzej Orzecki

Thank you guys! I really appreciate that opinions and kind words,it is a honor to hear that from such a good and experienced users!

Will,the model is not created by me,i forgot wrote that is from made by erick3d. In free time i learn Alias so i hope in near future i will create something of my own :)

Best regards!

Magnus Skogsfjord

+1 on the cold lighted versions. Looks gorgeous.

Andrzej Orzecki

Hello everyone!

Today something different,a quick composition exercise. I grabbed all the models like pistol,hand grenade,bullets,oil barrels and shoes from grabcad.
I hope you like it!

Best regards

Magnus Skogsfjord

Lots and lots of nice details here. That metal is truly alive! The boots looks surprisingly detailed to be a grabcad model, but the DoF may fool me a bit.


Metal on the pistol looks really nice ! I would rework the grenade material though. I think it should be a bit more green perhaps ?


Spectacular job on the gun metal, bullets and knurled surfaces! Grenade does look at bit too pristine. Great shot though!


wow this looks seriously cool! I do agree with Nico and Josh on the grenade material... it could use a faded or scrathced lable like the real ones, might give it that extra touch

Andrzej Orzecki

Firstly guys, thank so much for feedback! You all are absolutely right about grenade material. I thought that should be brand new, straight from the factory :)
So i made some changes and please tell me what do you think.

Ps. Please also checks out my very first attempt to sculpture i've made some time ago using plasticine. You can find it on my artstation account.
I'm very curious what do you think about that.

Best regards!


Much better now Andrzej.  Regarding the sculpture, if that was your first attempt, i just say Bravo ! The details are awesome and the anatomy seems spot on (from an absolutely rookie point of view). I laughed with the software used "fingers"  ;D.

Hossein Alfideh

Great effort Andrzej! I've practiced on the same model long ago,probably one of the most incredible and highly detailed pistols on the grabcad and now I see some cool shots of it in here! keep up the good work.

Will Gibbons


oh man! now it looks perfect... that grenade material looks great

Andrzej Orzecki

Hello everyone!

Thank you guys for feedback and sugestion! I really appreciate that all your help. The sculpture was my very first attempt and amazing experience. I always wanted to sculpt something and finally i found time for that. Fingers are always the best for any creative task:)
The model of that gun is really well done itself and like Hossein said,has a huge potential. Thanks once again for that all words!

Today i want to share another composition exercise i've made using few models like couch,red cactus and decor set from

As always please share your thoughts,opinion,sugestion and help.

Best regards!

Hossein Alfideh