Error report refers to unknown folders..?

Started by jhiker, April 05, 2017, 01:44:05 AM

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Just for fun I switched on the 'error reporting' thing in 'Advanced' preferences. Loaded up a random model and got this message.
Cannot find texture "G:/Dropbox/Recursos/Texturas/10-digital-paper-textures/digital-paper-10.jpg" used by material "Swagelok fitting occluded"

That's OK, but I don't ever remember having those folders or that file on my computer. In fact, I don't have a G drive.
Just a bit puzzled...


Anybody recognise the texture 'digital-paper-10.jpg'



Yeah that sounds like an error I got one time that referred to a drive I didn't have. Turned out it was a model that the previous artist had worked on who had the habit of downloading textures from all over the interwebs and leaving them on his desktop or downloads folder  :o

If you just copy pasta the filename into google it will usually show up where it was downloaded from if it was sourced from the web.